I have just read a powerful message by Adeye {No Greater Joy Mom} that broke my heart and made me feel completely sick. I urge you to click on the link above and go over to Adeye's blog to read her message. Right now, I am doing what little I can to help to spread the word.
Adeye's plea is specifically for an orphan named Teri Lynn. She is a five-year-old with Down Syndrome who lives in a country in Eastern Europe. In these countries, young orphans are kept in a baby house for the first five years of their lives. Once they turn five, the children with special needs become eligible to be transferred to a mental asylum.
The mental asylum as described by Adeye:
"A place where 95% of children with Down Syndrome DIE! They cannot survive the heinous conditions. They lie in cribs day in and day out. They are starved of human contact and adequate food. All dignity is stripped away as they lie in their own urine and feces until someone eventually finds enough time to come and change them. These children have no worth and no value whatsoever! To those who "care" for them, they are merely objects - not worthy of human love and care."
Proverbs 31:8-9
8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.
9 Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
Can you picture the terrible, horrible situation in your mind? If you can't, then here is a recent picture of Teri Lynn, taken only a few weeks after being transferred.
There is a deafening cry for help. Can you help? Will you help?
There are many ways to reach out and help this child. You can help to spread the word, donate to her fund, and PRAY for her.
If you feel led by God to bring this child home, will you be willing to step forward in faith and follow God's call?
If you feel led by God to bring this child home, will you be willing to step forward in faith and follow God's call?
Proverbs 31:8-9
8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.
9 Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
For more information on Teri Lynn adoption, please contact marianne@reecesrainbow.
To make a donation, please go {here}.
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